S.No |
Description |
Circular Date |
Click to View |
498. |
Post Budget Webinar - Theme 4: Invest in people, scheduled for March 5, 2025 from 9.00 Am to 6.30 PМ google form Link | 04/03/2025 |
497. |
Update on GPAT scholarship to Pradhan Mantri Scholarship for Pharmacy Post Graduate Studies. (GPAT) (PMSPPS)
| 13/02/2025 |
496. |
Extension of date for opening of PCI portal for pharmacy institutions for consideration of approval for 2025-2026 academic session
| 13/02/2025 |
495. |
Clarification regarding registration of institutions for AEBAS Implementation in all PCI Approved pharmacy institutions
| 07/02/2025 |
493. |
Allow modification in the SIF for seven Days
| 03/02/2025 |
492. |
The PCI office will remain closed on 05.02.2025 due to the Legislative Assembly Election in Delhi
| 03/02/2025 |
491. |
Guidelines regarding implementation of Aadhar Enabled Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS) in all PCI Approved pharmacy institutions as per Gazetted Notification No. So, 5041 (E) dt.23.11.2024
| 24/01/2025 |
490. |
User manual and URL for Institutions and Students for registration process for disbursement for Pradhan Mantri Scholarship for Pharmacy PostGraduate studies GPAT ( PMSPPS).
Scholarship link
Scholar manual
Institute manual
| 21/01/2025 |
489. |
Extension of date from 17.01.2025 to 31.01.2025 for submission of SIF application
| 17/01/2025 |
488. |
Opening of PCI for Pharmacy Institutions for considerations of approval for 2025-26 academic session.
| 15/01/2025 |
487. |
Notification regarding revised list of Blocked Pharmacists on DIGI-PHARMed Portal
| 13/01/2025 |
486. |
| 09/01/2025 |
485. |
Release of Draft UGC Regulations, 2025 and inauguration of new Auditorium in the UGC office, New Delhi, by Hon'ble Minister of Education Shri Dharmendra Pradhan ji on January 06, 2025. Link
| 06/01/2025 |
484. |
Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination Regulations, 2022
| 31/12/2024 |
483. |
Notification regarding Issues of Data Inaccuracy and Duplicacy of Registered Pharmacists on DIGI-PHARMed Portal. Link | 27/12/2024 |
482. |
APPROVAL PROCESS FOR ACADEMIC YEAR 2025-2026 FOR EXISTING INSTITUTIONS ONLY (Existing & New Institutions applying for the first) | 17/12/2024 |
481. |
Submission of details for Nodal officer for each institution with regards to the disbursement of Pradhan Mantri Scholarship for Pharmacy Post Graduate Studies (GPAT)- (PMSPPS) google Link Annexure-1
| 26/11/2024 |
480. |
Guidelines regarding verification of Pharmacists Profile with the Ayushman Bharat Health Account (ABHA) Number to integrate Pharmacists with the Healthcare Professional Registry (HPR). | 20/11/2024 |
479. |
Announcement of disbursement of Pradhan Mantri Scholarship for Pharmacy Post Graduate Studies (GPAT) - (PMSPPS) | 12/11/2024 |
478. |
Renewal of Registration as a pharmacist under regulation 4.2 of Pharmacy Practice Regulations, 2015. | 18/10/2024 |
477. |
To opt for an E-Learning course on Rational Use of Medicines in India jointly developed by Pharmacy Council of India, Translational Health Science & Technology Institute (THSTI) and WHO India Country Office. | 18/10/2024 |
476. |
Implementation of Digi Locker - NAD in the Pharmacy Institutions -reg. 2. Step by Step User Guide for Using Multiple Channels to Create ABC ID for Students & Academic Institutions - reg | 18/10/2024 |
475. |
Participation of Pharmacy Institutions in Celebrating the 2nd National current Good Manufacturing (cGMP) Day on 10th October 2024.. | 04/10/2024 |
474. |
Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination Regulations, 2022-clarification regarding. | 27/09/2024 |
473. |
Celebration of Pharmacists DAy on 25th September, 2024- on the theme "Pharmacists meeting Global Health needs " | 19/09/2024 |
472. |
Advisory to State Admission Committee for the Admission process 2024- | 15/09/2024 |
471. |
Celebration of 4th National Pharmacovigilance Week 2024, Reg. | 04/09/2024 |
470. | s
Extension of time for Approval and Appeal process for academic year 2024-2025 for all Pharmacy Instructions as per judgement passed by Hon'ble Supreme court of India | 30/08/2024 |
469. |
Submission of compliance regarding statutory documents by the New Institutions, Introduction of New Course and Raise in Intake by 31" August, 2024 as last and final opportunity | 23/08/2024 |
468. |
Disbursement of GPAT scholarship to GPAT-qualified students for the year 2023- 2024 and2024-2025. | 22/08/2024 |
467. |
Submission of compliance regarding Statutory documents by the New Institutions, Introduction of New Course and Raise in Admission by 31st July, 2024 as the last and final opportunity | 11/07/2024 |
466. |
Compliance of order dt.9.5.2024 passed by Hon'ble High Court of Judicature of Bombay Bench at Aurangabad in W.P.No.4922 of 2024 and any other connected matter. | 10/07/2024 |
465. |
Invite Comments on Regulations framed by PCI in terms of provisions contained in Jan Vishwas (Amendment of Provisions) Act, 2023 | 09/07/2024 |
464. |
Compliance of order dt.9.5.2024 passed by Hon'ble High Court of Judicature of Bombay Bench at Aurangabad in W.P.No.4922 of 2024 and any other connected matter. | 09/07/2024 |
463. |
Do’s & Don’ts for the Inspectors towards the usage of Mobile Application for the Inspection process during the academic session 2024-2025. Application Link
| 21/06/2024 |
462. |
Celebrate of 10th International Day of Yoga on 21.06.2024. | 20/06/2024 |
461. |
Guidelines for the Inspectors towards Inspection process of academic year 2024-
2025. | 14/06/2024 |
460. |
Extension of date for final edit window for GPAT Examination 2024- reg. | 29/05/2024 |
459. |
Follow the rules and regulations of the UGC and State Government. | 29/05/2024 |
458. |
Press release regarding - Fraudulent admission to D.Pharm and B.Pharm courses | 21/05/2024 |
457. |
PCI – Payment of One Fourth Share under section 44 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948 to the – | 14/05/2024 |
456. |
Extension of the time for completion of approval and appeal process 2024-2025 for the pharmacy institutions Judgment dt. 10.4.2024 passed by Hon'ble Supreme Court in Miscellaneous Application No. 704/2024 in C.A No. 9048/2012 App Link
07/05/2024 |
455. |
Last chance for additional names of institutions in the drop-down menu while filling the GPAT application form on the NBEMS portal - reg. Click here for link .
06/05/2024 |
454. |
1. Commencement of M. Pharm admissions after declaration of result for GPAT 2024 examination.
2. Addition of Names of Institutions in dropdown menu while filling GPAT Application form on NBEMS portal – reg. Click here for link .
03/05/2024 |
453. |
Notification No.SSUHS/629/2023/EX/1537 dt.28.2.2024 issued by Srimanta Sankaradeva University of the Health Sciences for Exit Examination for D.Pharm and B.Pharm.
15/04/2024 |
452. |
Exit Examination for D.Pharm Course under “Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Exam Regulations, 2022”-reg.
05/04/2024 |
451. |
Exit Examination for D.Pharm Course under “Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Exam Regulations, 2022”-reg.
05/04/2024 |
450. |
Conduct of GPAT Examination and Disbursement of GPAT Scholarship-reg.
05/04/2024 |
449. |
Brochure for Celebration of Pharma Anveshan, 2024
22/02/2024 |
448. |
Celebration of Pharma Anveshan: 2024. Click here for link .
19/02/2024 |
447. |
Inclusion of LSSDC-PCI Skill Centre under PMKVY Fresh Skilling Special Project. Click here for link .
14/02/2024 |
446. |
Correction in filled database in SIF on PCI portal for 2024-2025 academic session.
30/01/2024 |
445. |
Extension of date for submission of SIF on PCI portal for 2024-2025 academic session
20/01/2024 |
444. |
Registration of Students on Student Portal of PCI.
13/01/2024 |
443. |
Advisory received from UGC regarding curbing the Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational institutions.
12/01/2024 |
442. |
08/01/2023 |
441. |
Extension of opening of PCI portal for all Pharmacy Institutions for consideration of approval for the 2024-2025 academic session.
06/01/2024 |
440. |
Extension of opening of PCI portal for all Pharmacy Institutions for consideration of approval for the 2024-2025 academic session.
22/12/2023 |
439. |
(For Institutions)Exit Examination for D.Pharm Course under "Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Exam Regulations,2022"-reg.
22/12/2023 |
438. |
(For State Pharmacy Council)Exit Examination for D.Pharm Course under "Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Exam Regulations,2022"-reg.
22/12/2023 |
437. |
for 2024-25 academic session - reg. Click here for link .
18/12/2023 |
436. |
(Additional Circular)Opening of PCI portal for all Pharmacy Institutions for consideration of approval for 2024-2025 academic session.
14/12/2023 |
435. |
Opening of PCI portal for all Pharmacy Institutions for consideration of approval for 2024-2025 academic session.
14/12/2023 |
434. |
Implementation of Aadhaar Authentication by PCI- reg.
13/12/2023 |
433. |
Professional grievance of Pharmacy Institutions-reg. Click here to open Google form
07/12/2023 |
432. |
NBEMS CPR awareness Programme (Online) on 6th December 2023, at 09:30 AM-reg.
05/12/2023 |
431. |
MANDATORY - NBEMS CPR awareness Programme (Online) on 6th December 2023, at 9:30 am
24/11/2023 |
430. |
NBEMS CPR Awareness Programme (Online) on 6th December 2023 at 09:30 AM- reg.
Please find here link to be used for CPR Programme |
14/11/2023 |
429. |
The Jan Vishwas(Amendment in Provisions) Act,2023-reg. |
25/10/2023 |
428. |
Hon'ble Supreme Court Order dt. 6.9.2023 for existing and new institutions. |
20/10/2023 |
427. |
Extension of Time for completion of approval and appeal process 2023-2024 for existing institutions. |
04/10/2023 |
426. |
Pharmacist's Day poster (25th September, 2023). |
25/09/2023 |
425. |
Participation in celebrating the National current Good Manufacturing Practice (eGMP) day on 10th October 2023- reg. |
22/09/2023 |
424. |
Curbing the menace of ragging in Higher Educational institutions. |
18/09/2023 |
423. |
Anti-Ragging Posters |
18/09/2023 |
422. |
Celebration of Pharmacists Day on 25th September,2023- on the theme "Pharmacists strengthening health systems- Angdaan Mahadan" |
05/09/2023 |
421. |
Celebration of National Pharmacovigilance Week-2023. |
01/09/2023 |
420. |
Public Notice (Shri Anil Mittal, Deputy Secretary is promoted to the post of Registrar-cum-Secretary) |
30/08/2023 |
419. |
State Handloom Expo at Cottages Emporium from 17th August to 30th August 2023 - reg. |
24/08/2023 |
418. |
Regarding framing of National Fee Regulation Committee to prescribe minimum and maximum fee for students for diffrent Pharmacy Courses.Click for from link |
24/08/2023 |
417. |
Equivalence of M.Pharm.-reg. Click for form link |
04/08/2023 |
416. |
Admission in Pharmacy Courses-reg. |
04/08/2023 |
415. |
Opening of PCI portal for Pharmacy institutions(for consideration of approval for 2023-2024 academic session). |
28/07/2023 |
414. |
Appeal to the decisions to be submitted on new DIGI-PHARMed portal by Pharmacy Institutions. |
21/07/2023 |
413. |
Circular for online registration in respect of new institutions applied first time to PCI through Google form provided between 26th April, 2023 to 5th May, 2023. |
17/07/2023 |
412. |
Procedure to download the decision letter from new DIGI-PHARMed portal. |
14/07/2023 |
411. |
Extension of time completion of approval and appeal process 2023-2024 for existing institutions |
30/06/2023 |
410. |
Circular for online registration in respect of new institutions applied first time to PCI through Google form provided between 26th April, 2023 to 5th May, 2023. |
27/06/2023 |
409. |
Non-Clubbing of Pharmacy education profession with the Paramedical education -reg. |
19/06/2023 |
408. |
Inviting applications from the institutions applying for the first time for 2023-2024 academic session.Click for from link |
24/04/2023 |
407. |
Inviting applications from the institutions applying for the first time for 2023-2024 academic session. |
22/04/2023 |
406. |
Opening of portal for new institutions for 2023-2024 academic session. |
13/04/2023 |
405. |
Opening of portal for new institutions for 2023-2024 academic session. |
04/04/2023 |
404. |
Student Admission Information from 2010 till date. |
03/04/2023 |
403. |
Professional grievance of Pharmacy Institutions-reg. Click for from link
31/03/2023 |
402. |
Pharmacy Council of India (PCI)- Inspector payment Grievances-reg. Click for from link
01/04/2023 |
401. |
Opening of portal for new institutions for 2023-2024 academic session. |
01/04/2023 |
400. |
Scheme for Conference/Seminar/ Workshop grants for knowledge upgradation of Pharmacy teachers-reg. Click for from link
01/04/2023 |
399. |
Continuing Education Programme (CEP) for pharmacy teachers -reg. Click for from link
01/04/2023 |
398. |
Online/Offline Verification of new institutions submitted for Compliance |
31/03/2023 |
397. |
i) Appeal on the decisions of Executive Committee of the PCI.
ii) Specific compliance be submitted in the Appeal process.
29/03/2023 |
396. |
Panel Empanelment of Government and Government Aided Faculty for Exit Examination for Diploma in Pharmacy. Click for from link
22/03/2023 |
395. |
For Institutions covered in order dt.17.2.2023, 20.2.2023 and 27.2.2023 passed by Hon'ble Supreme Court.
17/03/2023 |
394. |
Extension of approval for 2023-2024 academic session.
16/03/2023 |
393. |
Student Admission information from 2010. Click for from link
16/03/2023 |
392. |
Professional grievance of Teachers and staff to Management for welfare of teachers and upgrading the Quality education of Pharmacy.
Click for link |
27/02/2023 |
391. |
Extension of time for submission of online application on PCI portal by existing institutions for 2023-2024 academic session.
17/02/2023 |
390. |
Registration information for Pharma Anveshan 2023.
15/02/2023 |
389. |
Celebrating 6th march every year as "National Pharmacy Education Day".
15/02/2023 |
388. |
Public Notice(Joining and Relieving of Faculty on PCI Portal-reg.)
13/02/2023 |
387. |
Clarification on Council’s circular dt.2.2.2023 with regard to Security Deposit and Pharmacy Education Regulatory Charges (PERC).
08/02/2023 |
386. |
Pharma Anveshan:2023.
08/02/2023 |
385. |
Exit Examination for D.Pharm Course under "Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination Regulations, 2022"- reg.
07/02/2023 |
384. |
Opening of PCI portal for pharmacy institutes( for consideration of approval for 2023-2024 academic session).
02/02/2023 |
383. |
Edition of Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023, by Hon'ble Prime Minister at Talkatora Stadium New Delhi on 27th January, 2023- reg.
20/1/2023 |
382. |
i) Appeal on the decisions of 385th and 386th Executive Committee of the PCI.
ii) Specific compliance be submitted in the Appeal process.
19/1/2023 |
381. |
i) Appeal on the decisions of 385th and 386th Executive Committee of the PCI.
ii) Specific compliance be submitted in the Appeal process.
17/1/2023 |
380. |
Compliance of conditions prescribed u/s 32 (2) of the Pharmacy Act, 1948 with regard to Pharmacist registration in the State where he/she reside or carries on the business or profession of pharmacy. |
21/12/2022 |
379. |
i) Appeal on the decisions of 384th Executive Committee of the PCI as uploaded on PCI’s website.
ii) Specific compliance be submitted in the Appeal process.
14/12/2022 |
378. |
Public notice (regarding holding of charge of PCI by Shri Anil Mittal). |
01/12/2022 |
377. |
i)Compliance on the decisions of 381st Executive Committee of the PCI as uploaded on PCI's Website. ii) Compliance be submitted. |
26/11/2022 |
376. |
i)Compliance on the decisions of 381st Executive Committee (Item No.6) of the PCI as uploaded on PCI's Website.ii) Compliance be submitted. |
24/11/2022 |
375. |
i) Appeal on the decisions of 378th Executive Committee of the PCI as uploaded on PCI's website. ii) Specific compliance be submitted in the Appeal process. |
11/11/2022 |
374. |
Compliance of order dt 21.10.2022 passed by Hon'ble Supreme Court of India in Writ Petition(s)(Civil) No(s).888/2022 with Writ Petition(C) No.847/2022. |
10/11/2022 |
373. |
Clarification on Urdu Education Board for the purpose of admission to various pharmacy courses- Pharmacy Act,1948. |
10/11/2022 |
372. |
Clarification on Council's Notification dt.22.10.2022. |
03/11/2022 |
371. |
i) Appeal on the decisions of 377th Executive Committee of the PCI as uploaded on PCI's website. ii) Specific compliance be submitted in the Appeal process. |
27/10/2022 |
370. |
Notification and Affidavit with regard to Restoration of intake. |
22/10/2022 |
369. |
Clarification regarding implementation of Pharmacy Practice Regulations, 2015 by the State Governments and Union Territories- reg. |
17/10/2022 |
368. |
Opening of Portal for new Institutions which have not applied for the year 2022-2023. |
12/10/2022 |
367. |
Clarification on minimum qualification for pharmacist u/s 12 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948- reg. |
07/10/2022 |
366. |
i) Appeal on the decisions of 376th Executive Committee of the PCI as uploaded on PCI's website. ii) Specific compliance be submitted in the Appeal process. |
30/09/2022 |
365. |
Promotion of Khadi goods in Hospitals, Nursing Homes etc.-reg. |
26/09/2022 |
364. |
i) Appeal on the decisions of 375th Executive Committee of the PCI as uploaded on PCI's website. ii) Specific compliance be submitted in the Appeal process. |
20/09/2022 |
363. |
i) Appeal on the decisions of 374th Executive Committee of the PCI as uploaded on PCI's website. ii) Specific compliance be submitted in the Appeal process. |
20/09/2022 |
362. |
Reporting of adverse events / adverse drug reactions to Pharmacovigilance Programme of India during the 2nd National Pharmacovigilance Week from 17th September to 23rd September 2022- reg. |
19/09/2022 |
361. |
Opening of Portal for new Institutions have registered on the portal but could not complete the process due to techical issues. |
19/09/2022 |
360. |
i) Appeal on the decisions of 373rd Executive Committee of the PCI as uploaded on PCI's website. ii) Specific compliance be submitted in the Appeal process. |
19/09/2022 |
359. |
i) Appeal on the decision of 371st and 372nd Executive Committee of the PCI as uploaded on PCI's website. ii) Specific compliance be submitted in the Appeal process. |
16/09/2022 |
358. |
Fake Message/Mail Alert |
14/09/2022 |
357. |
Comments of the State Governments/ Union Territories on the proposed amendment in the regulation 6 of the "Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination Regulations, 2022". |
14/09/2022 |
356. |
To Celebrate the Pharmacists Day on 25th September, 2022. |
14/09/2022 |
355. |
Implementation of DigiLocker-NAD in the Pharmacy Institutions- reg. |
14/09/2022 |
354. |
Experimental Pharmacology Series Software & Microsoft Software applications & OS Procurement for inspection till further orders.2022-2023 a.s./AS/14-56/2022-2023(Urgent Process) |
06/09/2022 |
353. |
Opening of Portal for new Institutions. |
30/08/2022 |
352. |
Public Notice |
30/08/2022 |
351. |
Extension of time for completion of approval and appeal process 2022-2023 for existing institutions. |
29/08/2022 |
350. |
i) Appeal on the decision of Decision of 370th Executive Committee of the PCI as uploaded on PCI's website.
ii) Specific compliance be submitted in the Appeal process. |
23/08/2022 |
349. |
Exit Examination for D.Pharm Course under "Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination Regulations, 2022"- reg. |
18/08/2022 |
348. |
"Har Ghar Tiranga" |
11/08/2022 |
347. |
Inspection process for 2022-2023. |
08/08/2022 |
346. |
Regarding designation, appointment, promotion etc. of faculty in pharmacy institutions- reg. |
08/08/2022 |
345. |
Opening of portal for new Institutions. |
04/08/2022 |
344. |
Approval process 2022-2023 under the Pharmacy Act, 1948 for the existing institutions. |
01/08/2022 |
343. |
i) Appeal on 115th (9th & 10th May, 2022) and 116th (29th July, 2022) Central Council decisions.
ii) Specific compliance be submitted in the Appeal process. |
30/07/2022 |
342. |
Registration of Ethics committee for Biomedical and Health research with DHR- reg. |
27/07/2022 |
341. |
Clarification regarding circular dt.22.7.2022 about conducting Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination in Next Month. |
25/07/2022 |
340. |
Inspection process 2022-2023. |
19/07/2022 |
339. |
Criminal Case against the institution if they submit fraudulent documents to PCI. |
07/07/2022 |
338. |
Starting of inspection process 2022-2023. |
05/07/2022 |
337. |
Opening of Portal for new Institutions. |
03/07/2022 |
336. |
Opening of PCI Portal for new Institutions in pursuance of judgement dt.31.5.2022 passed by Hon'ble Supreme Court. |
21/06/2022 |
335. |
Qualification of President and Vice President of the State Pharmacy Council- reg. |
21/06/2022 |
334. |
Issuing permission to attend Executive Committee and Central Council meetings of the Pharmacy Council of India. |
09/06/2022 |
333. |
Starting of inspection process 2022-2023.Circular Dated 08-06-2022 |
08/06/2022 |
332. |
Appointment of Laboratory Technician in the Laboratories in the Pharmacy institutions. |
03/06/2022 |
331. |
Compliance of conditions prescribed u/s 32(2) of the pharmacy Act, 1948 with regard to Pharmacist registration in the state where he/she resides, or carries on the business or profession of pharmacy. |
02/06/2022 |
330. |
Starting of inspection process 2022-2023. |
24/05/2022 |
329. |
To seek an appointment with President, PCI. |
11/04/2022 |
328. |
Not to proceed for inspection till further order. |
09/04/2022 |
327. |
Not to proceed for inspection till further order. |
08/04/2022 |
326. |
Dr. Montu M. Patel as the President of the Pharmacy Council of India. |
08/04/2022 |
325. |
Opening of PCI portal for existing pharmacy institutions (already approved by PCI for conduct of course or approved u/s 12 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948) for consideration of approval for 2022-2023 academic session with late fee of Rs. 1.00 Lakh per institutions. |
25/03/2022 |
324. |
Clarification on duration of inspection. |
21/03/2022 |
323. |
Public Notice. |
15/03/2022 |
322. |
Pharmacy Act, 1948 shall only prevail with regard to recognition of degrees and diplomas in pharmacy. |
15/03/2022 |
321. |
Guidelines for Inspectors. |
14/03/2022 |
320. |
Not to bear the TA/DA etc. for inspections. |
14/03/2022 |
319. |
Duty leave to PCI inspectors. |
08/03/2022 |
318. |
Request to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of the Pharmacy Act, 1948. |
03/03/2022 |
317. |
Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination Regulations, 2022-clarification regarding. |
02/03/2022 |
316. |
Notice u/s 13 for withdrawal of approval/reduce intake by PCI. |
22/02/2022 |
315. |
Comments of the State Governments/ Union Territories on the proposed amendment in the regulations 3 of the Pharmacy Practice Regulations-2015 and the Pharmacy Practice (Amendment) Regulations, 2021. |
01/02/2022 |
314. |
No admission shall be made by institution without prior approval of PCI- Strict compliance of statutory provisions of various Education Regulations framed u/s 10 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948. |
27/01/2022 |
313. |
Notice u/s 13 for withdrawal of approval/reduce intake by PCI. |
25/01/2022 |
312. |
National Organ transplant Program(NOTP) guidelines. |
18/01/2022 |
311. |
Language learning initiative under Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat Program of Ministry of Education- reg. |
14/01/2022 |
310. |
A. Introduction of late fee in respect of institutions which have failed to apply on PCI portal during approval process 2022-2023.
B. Forgotten the userID and password. |
06/01/2022 |
309. |
Last opportunity for existing institutions to apply online on PCI Portal till 05.01.2022. |
04/01/2022 |
308. |
Extension of time for submission of online application on PCI portal by existing institutions. |
31/12/2021 |
307. |
Notice regarding- Closure of course/Institution, Change in name of Examining Authority, Change in name of Institution/Trust, Change of address/Location of institution, Change of Hospital. |
24/12/2021 |
306. |
Extension of time for submission of online application on PCI portal. |
24/12/2021 |
305. |
Extension of date for submission of application for PCI inspectorship. |
20/12/2021 |
304. |
Compliance to Biomedical Waste management Rules, 2016 by Healthcare Facilities-reg. |
20/12/2021 |
303. |
Clarification with regard to filling of information in SIF under "Pending Service Tax Paid". |
17/12/2021 |
302. |
PCI inspectorship. |
16/12/2021 |
301. |
PCI inspectorship. |
13/12/2021 |
300. |
Higher Secondary Examination(Vocational) of Council of Higher Secondary Education(CHSE), Odisha-reg. |
10/12/2021 |
299. |
Opening of PCI portal for existing pharmacy institutions (already approved by PCI for conduct of course or approved u/s 12 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948) for consideration of approval for 2022-2023 academic session. |
09/12/2021 |
298. |
PCI inspectorship. |
09/12/2021 |
297. |
Withdrawal of PCI Circular dt. 16.11.2021 regarding opening of PCI portal for existing pharmacy institutions for consideration of approval for 2022-2023 academic session. |
29/11/2021 |
296. |
Charge to Prof.(Dr.)Pramod Yeole as acting President PCI.
25/11/2021 |
295. |
Opening of PCI portal for existing pharmacy institutions (already approved by PCI for conduct of course or approved u/s 12 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948) for consideration of approval for 2022-2023 academic session. |
16/11/2021 |
294. |
Payment of salary of faculty/staff-reg.
10/11/2021 |
293. |
For 2022-2023 approval cycle- submission of statutory documents for consideration of approval u/s 12 of the Pharmacy Act,1948. |
02/11/2021 |
292. |
Establishment of Student Support cell-reg.
Link for form
22/10/2021 |
291. |
Clarification regarding TFW(Tuition Fee Waiver) Supernumerary seats. |
22/10/2021 |
290. |
Clarification on Clause 9 "Course of study" of Rules & Syllabus for the Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm) Course. |
13/10/2021 |
289. |
To strictly follow the prescribed qualification for admission to pharmacy courses under the Pharmacy Act, 1948. |
27/09/2021 |
288. |
For 2022-2023 approval cycle- submission of statutory documents for consideration of approval u/s 12 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948. |
27/09/2021 |
287. |
“Syllabus framed under Regulation 7, List of prescribed equipments and apparatus under Appendix-A of The Education Regulations, 2020 for Diploma Course in Pharmacy.” |
23/09/2021 |
286. |
Submission of undertaking to be given by the principal on Court paper with regard to- a) admission qualification to pharmacy course(s) for the purpose of registration as a pharmacist. b)admission intake. |
14/09/2021 |
285. |
Principal / institutions not reliving the faculty. |
07/09/2021 |
284. |
Starting of B.Pharm (Practice) course. |
07/09/2021 |
283. |
Payment of salary to faculty / staff during COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. |
07/09/2021 |
282. |
1. Approval of Online Refresher courses. 2. Necessity of the physical fitness. |
07/09/2021 |
281. |
Order dt.1.9.2021 passed by Hon'ble Supreme Court in MA No.1332/2021 in CA No.9048/2012 Parshavanath Charitable Trust V. AICTE and Ors. - in the matter of Dr.A.P.J. Abdul kalam Technical University. |
02/09/2021 |
280. |
Celebration of National Pharmacovigilance Week 2021. |
01/09/2021 |
279. |
Enrolment of all Pharm D.Institutions as ADR Monitoring Centre (AMC) under Pharmacovigilance Programme of India (PvPI)-reg. |
16/08/2021 |
278. |
Display and unauthorized use of medical diagnostic devices-reg. |
11/08/2021 |
277. |
Nominee of State Pharmacy Council in the Examining Committee of Examining Authority of D.Pharm course. |
02/07/2021 |
276. |
Completion of Appeal process on 111th (6th and 7th April, 2021) and 112th (10th June, 2021) Central Council decisions. |
30/06/2021 |
275. |
Specific compliance be submitted in the Appeal process.
17/06/2021 |
274. |
Prescribed format for submission of teaching staff position in the Appeal process for 2021-2022 academic session. |
16/06/2021 |
273. |
Appeal on 111th(6th and 7th April,2021) and 112th(10th June,2021) Central Council decisions.
15/06/2021 |
272. |
Guidelines for issue of Good Standing Certificates to Pharmacy Graduates by State Pharmacy Council. |
15/06/2021 |
271. |
Opening of portal for new institutions (covered under exemptions to moratorium vide Council's circular dt. 9.9.2019).
17/05/2021 |
270. |
Practical training done by Diploma in Pharmacy students. |
10/05/2021 |
269. |
Appeal for salary to faculty / staff during lockdown due to second wave of COVID 19. |
04/05/2021 |
268. |
Council’s secretariat will work from home from 23rd to 30 April 2021. |
23/04/2021 |
267. |
Council’s secretariat will work from home on 15th and 16th April, 2021. |
13/04/2021 |
266. |
Verification and registration process as Pharmacist-reg. |
08/04/2021 |
265. |
Scheme for Capacity Building Industrial Training (CBIT) Program for Pharmacy Teachers- reg. |
23/03/2021 |
264. |
Communication through institution's dashboard only. |
04/02/2021 |
263. |
Another opportunity to existing institutions to apply for 2021-2022 |
04/02/2021 |
262. |
Approval of Online training to Diploma in Pharmacy students-reg. |
03/02/2021 |
261. |
Pharmacy Ethics related to the Covid-19 Pandemic based on Core Ethical Principal Version 1.0.- FIP, documents, UNESCO Chair in Bioethics International Pharmacy Panel Ethical Guidelines for Pharmacy October 2020. |
02/02/2021 |
260. |
Principal / institutions not reliving the faculty.. |
01/02/2021 |
259. |
Pharm.D internship under Pharm.D Regulatioins 2008 during COVID-19. |
28/01/2021 |
258. |
Reopening of the Universities and Pharmacy Colleges Post lockdown due to Covid-19 pandemic-reg. |
20/01/2021 |
257. |
Clarification on council's circular dt.30.12.2020 with regard to opening of PCI portal for New Institutions. |
15/01/2021 |
256. |
First Aid Council of India (FACI) – not approved by PCI |
07/01/2021 |
255. |
PCI Webinar on 6th January,2021 at 4:00 PM (Live Streaming on You Tube) |
06/01/2021 |
254. |
PCI- regarding payment failure - 2021-2022 academic session. |
05/01/2021 |
253. |
Webinar for the existing institutions applying online on PCI portal for the academic session 2021-22.(webinar on 6th January 2021 at 4:00 PM). |
05/01/2021 |
252. |
Cautionary circular for existing institutions intending to apply for consideration of approval for 2021-2022 academic session. |
31/12/2020 |
251. |
Opening of PCI portal for existing pharmacy institutions (Already approved by PCI for conduct of course or u/s 12 of the Pharmacy Act,1948) for consideration of approval for 2021-2022 academic session |
30/12/2020 |
250. |
Clarification regarding supernumerary seats (J&K seats) and Ladakh students under Prime Minister's Special Scholarship Scheme(PMSSS). |
02/12/2020 |
249. |
Verification and registration process as Pharmacist - reg. |
21/10/2020 |
248. |
Eligibility of teaching experience at D.Pharm level institution for various teaching posts in B.Pharm institution. |
08/10/2020 |
247. |
Contact details for skill packs / modules of Life Sciences Sector Skill Development Council (LSSSDC). |
05/10/2020 |
246. |
Inclusion of one elective subject for skill packs / modules of Life Sciences Sector Skill Development Council (LSSSDC). |
30/09/2020 |
245. |
Clarification regarding supernumerary seats in various categories like Tuition Fee Waiver(TFW)/Economically Weaker Section (EWS)/J&K seats etc. |
30/09/2020 |
244. |
TeachGlobal an online personalised learning app. |
25/09/2020 |
243. |
JMP Pro Statistical Software. |
22/09/2020 |
242. |
Registration of students who have undergone practical training at Pharmacy, Chemist & Druggist under ER-91. |
17/09/2020 |
241. |
Participation in Drug Discovery Hackathon 2020.For Hackathon Methodology and further detail please visit https://innovateindia.mygov.in/ddh2020/ |
07/09/2020 |
240. |
Appeal for payment of salary to teaching faculty during COVID-19 pandemic-reg. |
24/08/2020 |
239. |
"Clinirex" clinical Pharmacy learning, evaluation and drug Information and documentation software as a tool to document clinical pharmacy activities by Pharm.D institutions. |
17/08/2020 |
238. |
Equivalence of foreign qualification with Indian qualification for the purpose of admission to various pharmacy courses. |
17/07/2020 |
237. |
List of approved institutions with approval status and approved intake. |
14/07/2020 |
236. |
PCI Guidelines on academic programs and start of the next academic session. |
09/07/2020 |
235. |
PCI Guidelines on Examinations / Internship / Practical Training. |
09/07/2020 |
234. |
Pharm.D internship during Covid-19 pandemic. |
02/07/2020 |
233. |
Introduction of bio-metric attendance system for pharmacy faculty in pharmacy institutions. |
18/06/2020 |
232. |
Appointment of Laboratory Technician in the Laboratories. |
21/05/2020 |
231. |
FICCI CoE Webinar Career Scenario post COVID-19: Focus Indian Pharmaceutical Industry. |
20/05/2020 |
230. |
All India survey on Higher Education to prepare a sound database on Higher Education. |
06/05/2020 |
229. |
Pharm D internship under Pharm D Regulations 2008 during COVID-19. |
02/05/2020 |
228. |
Alert on fake message. |
29/04/2020 |
227. |
Appeal for payment of salary to faculty/staff during COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. |
20/04/2020 |
226. |
Appeal on 109 Central Council decision. |
20/04/2020 |
225. |
Advisory to Institutions and Examining Authority. |
09/04/2020 |
224. |
Advisory to All State Pharmacy Councils. |
23/03/2020 |
223. |
PCI office functioning during COVID-19. |
24/03/2020 |
222. |
COVID 19 advisory to all Pharmacy colleges, Pharmacy professionals and Inspectors. |
20/03/2020 |
221. |
Pharmacy Act, 1948 shall only prevail with regard to recognition of degrees and diplomas in pharmacy. |
11/03/2020 |
220. |
Supreme Court judgement dt.5-3-2020.. |
06/03/2020 |
219. |
Application for Continuing Education Programme for the conduct of seminars, conferences/training of trainers (TOT). |
25/02/2020 |
218. |
Advertisement by Late R.S.Ravindranand College of Pharmacy, Lalitpur(U.P). |
13/02/2020 |
217. |
Notice for new institutes. |
10/02/2020 |
216. |
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Nanotechnology (IJPSN). |
08/01/2020 |
215. |
Extension of time for submission of online application on PCI portal. |
06/01/2020 |
214. |
Approval of medical store for practical Training. |
20/12/2019 |
213. |
Extension of time for submission of online application on PCI portal. |
12/12/2019 |
212. |
Institutions to apply immediately on PCI portal. |
09/12/2019 |
211. |
PCI Objections to proposed amendment in Schedule K of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945. |
27/11/2019 |
210. |
PCI web portal for submission of application has been opened from 15.11.2019 to 15.12.2019. |
06/11/2019 |
209. |
Clarification on approval session and affiliation fee. |
20/11/2019 |
208. |
Opening of PCI portal for submission of online application for submission of online application for approval of pharmacy courses under the Pharmacy Act, 1948. |
25/11/2019 |
207. |
Application not accepted due to morotorium by PCI from 2020-2021 from more details. |
17/07/2019 |
206. |
No admission, examination without PCI approval. |
16/12/2019 |
205. |
Contractual faculty by Central Universities,State Universities and Government Institutions. |
21/11/2019 |
204. |
Pharmacist to fill registration details. |
20/12/2019 |
203. |
Approval of medical store for practical Training |
20/12/2019 |
202. |
Institutions to apply immediately on PCI portal. |
09/12/2019 |
201. |
Allopathy Diploma run by Para Medical Faculty Delhi / Kanpur- not approved by PCI. |
04/12/2019 |
200. |
Change in the name of Institution / Location / Examining Authority. |
29/11/2019 |
199. |
PCI Objections to proposed amendment in Schedule K of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945. |
27/11/2019 |
198. |
Introduction of bio-metric attendance system for pharmacy faculty in pharmacy institutions. |
27/11/2019 |
197. |
Regarding requirement of animal house and registration with CPCSEA |
25/11/2019 |
196. |
Provision for providing adequate hours of training(including demonstration)on Bio-medical Waste Management in the course of Pharmacy. |
15/11/2019 |
195. |
Strengthening of Pharmacy Practice Departments and Drug Information Centres in Pharm.D Institutions. |
12/09/2019 |
194. |
Notification dated 16.7.2019 isuued by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India in Gazette of India(Extraordinary) No.204, Part I - Section I. |
12/09/2019 |
193. |
Clarification on clause 16 of the syllabus for Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm) Course- Academic progression. |
09/09/2019 |
192. |
Clarification on Moratorium for new D.Pharm and B.Pharm Institutions from 2020-2021 academic session. |
09/09/2019 |
191. |
Opening of PCI web portal for submission of application. |
05/09/2019 |
190. |
Books for Library of Pharmacy Institutions. |
09/08/2019 |
189. |
ADR reporting to the nearest AMC or to the National Coordination Centre, PvPl. |
09/08/2019 |
188. |
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Notification regarding eligibility of Pharm.D degree holders for various posts of pharmacists |
19/07/2019 |
187. |
Suggested topics for Continuing Education Programmes (CEP) |
18/07/2019 |
186. |
Upload the teaching staff position on Council’s website |
17/06/2019 |
185. |
Celebration of International Day of Yoga (IDY), 2019. |
14/06/2019 |
184. |
Compliance of order of Hon'ble High Court of Delhi in the matter of Sh. Aditya Narayan Tiwari |
22/02/2019 |
183. |
Institution to refer to their Dash Board on Daily basis for PCI updates with regard to their online application submitted on PCI portal. |
22/02/2019 |
182. |
Reservation for differently abled persons on induction to the pharmacy courses. |
22/02/2019 |
181. |
Pharmacist Day celebration on 25.9.2018. |
29/09/2018 |
180. |
Approval of 10+2 Vocational Higher Secondary Examination with
Physics,Chemistry,Biology/Mathematics conducted by Board of Vocational Higher
Secondary Examinations for admissions to various pharmacy courses. |
12/09/2018 |
179. |
Regarding Journals in Pharmacy Colleges. |
19/09/2018 |
178. |
All institutions running M.Pharm course under the Pharmacy Act, 1948 |
15/03/2018 |
177. |
Documents submitted to PCI without sign of principal.+ |
16/02/2018 |
176. |
Compliance be submitted within 15 days |
16/02/2018 |
175. |
Vidya Lakshmi Portal. |
29/01/2018 |
174. |
Institutions to intimate any substantive change. |
16/01/2018 |
173. |
Hitherto all approval be prospective only. |
16/01/2018 |
172. |
All Indioa survey on Higher Education to prepare a sound database on Higher Education. |
03/01/2018 |
171. |
Recommendations of the Committee on "Psychosocial Study of Ragging in Selected Educational Institutions in India". |
14/12/2017 |
170. |
Date - Sheet of final year M.Pharm examination. |
20/11/2017 |
169. |
Pharmacy Awards in recognition of outstanding services rendered by the registered Pharmacists/State Pharmacy Councils |
25/07/2017 |
168. |
Regarding Teaching of Pharmacognosy Subject |
25/07/2017 |
167. |
Shifting From cash dependent to cashless mode for all financial transactions |
21/07/2017 |
166. |
Submission of Student details online by Pharmacy Institutions to PCI |
12/07/2017 |
165. |
Vidya Lakshmi Portal |
07/07/2017 |
164. |
Council's advertisement published in newspapers seking applications for Pharmacy Awards in various categories. |
30/06/2017 |
163. |
Implementation of the provisions of Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016-reg |
28/06/2017 |
162. |
PCI-Remittance of the Affiliation Fee for 2017-2018 academic session |
22/06/2017 |
161. |
Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana(PMBJP) |
16/06/2017 |
160. |
Celebration of 3rd international Day of Yoga on 21.6.2017 |
13/06/2017 |
159. |
Opening of Jan Aushadhi Stores by your institution under Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana(PMBJP) |
13/06/2017 |
158. |
Celebration of 3rd International Day of Yoga on 21.6.2017. |
19/05/2017 |
157. |
Submission of Student details online by Pharmacy Institutions to PCI |
18/05/2017 |
156. |
Healthy Children health India / Healthy Food / Healthy Living |
08/05/2017 |
155. |
Regarding Teaching of Pharmacognosy |
11/04/2017 |
154. |
Prime Minister's Jan Aushadhi Yojna |
20/03/2017 |
153. |
Regarding Journals in Pharmacy Colleges. |
16/03/2017 |
152. |
Shifting from cash dependent to cashless mode for all financial transactions. |
14/03/2017 |
151. |
Installation of CCTV cameras in all institutions. |
08/03/2017 |
150. |
Compulsory Training Programme (CTP) for B.Pharm students. |
06/01/2017 |
149. |
Prime Minister's Jan Aushadhi Yojna |
02/01/2017 |
148. |
Statutory Scheme/Rules and syllabus for B.Pharm and M.Pharm Courses |
21/12/2016 |
147. |
Latest edition of National Formulary of India - 2016 |
07/11/2016 |
146. |
Pharmacist Day Poster |
17/09/2016 |
145. |
Prime Minister's Jan Aushadhi Yojna |
12/09/2016 |
144. |
Vidya Lakshmi Portal |
06/08/2016 |
143. |
Clarification on Pharm.D Regulations, 2008 relating to Pharmacology praticals. |
23/08/2016 |
142. |
Consideration of approval of Pharm.D.(PB)course. |
23/08/2016 |
141. |
Letter dt. 4.3.2016 received from Country Sales Manager,Royal Society of Chemistry, Thomas Graham House,Science Park,Milton Road,Cambridge. |
22/08/2016 |
140. |
1. Enactment of Biological Diversity Act (BD Act) in 2002 by Govt. of India
2. Establishment off National Biodiversity Authority in 2003 under the above act. |
22/08/2016 |
139. |
Verification of the qualification, experience certificates by the institution before appointing the teaching faculty. |
22/08/2016 |
138. |
Prime Minister's Jan Aushadhi Yojna. |
06/07/2016 |
137. |
Prime Minister's Jan Aushadhi Yojna. |
04/07/2016 |
136. |
Uploading of draft B.Pharm curriculum/syllabus on PCI website- Comments invited. |
01/07/2016 |
135. |
Prime Minister's Jan Aushadhi Yojna. |
27/06/2016 |
134. |
PCI-Remittance of the Affiliation Fee for 2016-2017 academic session. |
18/05/2016 |
133. |
Minimum age for admission to B.Pharma course for the purpose registration as a pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act,1948. |
05/05/2016 |
132. |
PCI-Payment of One Fourth Share under section 44 pf the Pharmacy Act,1948 to the. |
26/04/2016 |
131. |
Stepping up of anti-ragging measures. |
30/03/2016 |
130. |
Royal Pharmaceutical Society-Medicines Complete Platform |
23/03/2016 |
129. |
Registration With CPCSEA |
01/03/2016 |
128. |
Vidya Lakshmi Portal |
28/02/2016 |
127. |
Registration under -
i) The Employees Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952
ii) The Employees State Insurance Act, 1948 and
iii) The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972. |
10/02/2016 |
126. |
The Bachelor of Pharmacy(B.Pharm) Course Regulations,2014 - Amendment thereof. |
16/10/2015 |
125. |
Curbing the menace of ragging in Higher Educational Institutions. |
22/09/2015 |
124. |
Books for Library of Pharmacy Institutions. |
21/09/2015 |
123. |
Research publications in the field of pharmaceutical sciences |
10/09/2015 |
122. |
Online Reference Text from Medicines Complete/Royal Pharaceutical Society, U.K
1. Remington online
2. BNF or Excipients or injectables (Handbook/Guide) or Stockley. One of these to be subscribed online along with Remington. |
08/09/2015 |
121. |
Eligibility of Open School education system of the Central Govt. / State Govts. institutions for admission in Pharmacy courses for the purpose of registration as a Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948. . |
07/09/2015 |
120. |
Anti-Ragging. |
05/08/2015 |
119. |
Eligibility of Open School education system of the Central Govt. / State Govts. institutions for admission in Pharmacy courses for the purpose of registration as a Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948. |
30/07/2015 |
118. |
Registration under All Institutions(D.Pharm,B.Pharm,Pharm.D) approved by PCI
- u/s 12 of the Pharmacy Act
- conduct of course |
09/07/2015 |
117. |
Number of admissions approved by the PCI-reflection in institutions Prospectus. |
07/07/2015 |
116. |
Reg. Taking all measures and effective & efficient steps to prevent and deal with any ragging in the institutions of Higher learning. |
03/06/2015 |
115. |
A.Strict compliance of Minimum Qualification for Teachers in Pharmacy Institutions Regulations,2014.
B. PCI advertisement of February,2015 in various leading newspaper. |
20/05/2015 |
114. |
PCI-Remittance of the Affiliation Fee for 2015-2016 academic session. |
17/04/2015 |
113. |
Training Programme for various Colleges under PCI regarding. |
24/03/2015 |
112. |
Central Sector Scheme called Central Sector Interest Subsidy Scheme,2009 |
03/03/2015 |
111. |
PCI comments on National Health Policy |
11/2/2015 |
110. |
Stipend for Pharm D Students during internship. |
14/1/2015 |
109. |
To allow part of Pharm.D. Internship at Foreign University under Pharm.D. Regulations, 2008.. |
14/1/2015 |
108. |
Details regarding Teaching Faculty in Pharmacy. |
06/1/2015 |
107. |
Comments on proposed amendments in Education Regulations, 1991 u/s 10(3) of the Pharmacy Act 1948. |
10/12/2014 |
106. |
Measures taken by the National Law University, Delhi to prevent and deal with the incidence of ragging. |
21/11/2014 |
105. |
All India survey on Higher Education to prepare a soun database on Higher Education. |
20/11/2014 |
104. |
Duration of MOU/tie-up between the Pharm.D Institution/Hospital. |
20/10/2014 |
103. |
Latest edition of National Formulary of India(NFI) and Indian Pharmacopoeia(IP). |
10/10/2014 |
102. |
State Pharmacy Council's to verify student details from PCI website www.pci.nic.in. |
09/10/2014 |
101. |
Regarding Student data on PCI website. |
09/10/2014 |
100. |
Issue regarding students admitted above 60 in D.Pharm Course. |
08/10/2014 |
99. |
Training of teachers. |
07/10/2014 |
98. |
Proper verification of the information given in the SIF and SDFs by inspectors at the time of inspection. |
25/09/2014 |
97. |
Curbing the menace of ragging in higher educational institutions. |
01/09/2014 |
96. |
PCI - Introduction of closure fee for pharmacy institutions. |
19/08/2014 |
95. |
Survey Rpeort on current scenario of Pharmacy Education in India - IPA Students Forum. |
23/07/2014 |
94. |
Composition of Examining Committee of Examining Authority under Education Regulations, 1991 and Pharm.D. Regulations, 2008. |
13/07/2014 |
93. |
Curbing of unfair practices adopted in certain pharmacy institutions / examing authorities . |
13/07/2014 |
92. |
Issue of mis-use of pharmacist registration certificate. |
13/07/2014 |
91. |
Submission of student details online by Pharmacy Institutions to PCI. |
11/07/2014 |
90. |
Online undertaking and NAAC accreditation of the institutions -regarding. |
11/07/2014 |
89. |
Minimum age for admission to Pharmacy course for the purpose registration as a pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act,1948. |
30/06/2014 |
88. |
Incidents of ragging in Pharmacy Colleges/institution in India - Reg |
09/06/2014 |
87. |
Use of animals for dissections in various areas like in Pharamacy, Zoology, Veterinary,Medicine etc. across India - regarding. |
09/06/2014 |
86. |
Training programme for B. Pharmacy Students (B. Pharm) of various Colleges under PCI regarding. |
09/06/2014 |
85. |
Circulars to all Institutions regarding filling up of Staff Declaration Form (SDF). |
02/06/2014 |
84. |
Incidents of ragging in Pharmacy Colleges/institution in India - Reg |
02/06/2014 |
83. |
PCI-Remittance of the Affilation Fee from 2014-2015 academic session |
06/05/2014 |
82. |
PCI-Payment of One Fourth Share under section 44 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948 to the |
23/04/2014 |
81. |
Regarding the Ethical Issues like professional Practice etc. |
28/01/2014 |
80. |
Incidents of Ragging in Pharmacy Colleges/Institution in India-Reg. |
28/01/2014 |
79. |
Submission Of Student Details Online By Pharmacy Institutions to PCI. |
24/01/2014 |
78. |
Institutions to have website & uploading of institutions is SIF on its website. |
29/10/2013 |
77. |
Stipend for Pharm.D Students during internsip. |
17/10/2013 |
76. |
Teaching faculty during academic session. |
09/10/2013 |
75. |
Incidents of ragging in Pharmacy Colleges/ institution in India-Reg. |
23/09/2013 |
74. |
18/09/2013 |
73. |
Remittance of Inspection and Affiliation Fee by new institutions |
03/09/2013 |
72. |
PCI-Revision of Affiliation Fee from 2014-2015 academic session. |
03/09/2013 |
71. |
30/08/2013 |
70. |
Training programme for B. Pharmacy Students (B. Pharm) of various Colleges under PCI regarding. |
17/07/2013 |
69. |
Payment of Salary to teaching staff through bank. |
08/07/2013 |
68. |
Age for admission to Pharmacy course for the purpose registration as a pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948. |
28/06/2013 |
67. |
Use of animals for dissections in various areas like in Pharmacy, Zoology, Veterinary, Medicine etc. across India-regarding |
26/06/2013 |
66. |
All India survey on Higher Education to prepare a sound database on Higher Education |
21/06/2013 |
65. |
Books for Library of Pharmacy Institutions. |
30/05/2013 |
64. |
Time schedule / Last date of submission of application to PCI. |
02/05/2013 |
63. |
Full compliance of Pharm.D Regulations, 2008 (PDR-2008). |
26/03/2013 |
62. |
PCI-Remittance of the Affiliation Fee for 2013-2014 academic session. |
23/10/2012 |
61. |
Stipend for Pharm. D Students during internship. |
23/10/2012 |
60. |
Reg- Registration of teaching staff. |
13/12/2012 |
59. |
Pharmacy Council of India Regulations on Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Pharmacy Colleges,2012. |
23/10/2012 |
58. |
Implementation of UGC payscales to teaching faculty. |
19/06/2012 |
57. |
Registration procedure of Pharm.D. (Doctor of Pharmacy) passed out students. |
19/06/2012 |
56. |
1)All Institution approved by Pharmacy Council for conduct of Pharm. D/Pharm.D(Post Baccalaureate) course.
2)All Examining Authorities for the conduct of Pharm. D and Pharm.D (P.B)examinations |
30/05/2012 |
55. |
National Formulary of India (NFI) 2011. |
29/05/2012 |
54. |
Pharmacy Council of India Regulations on Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Pharmacy Colleges,2012. |
23/05/2012 |
53. |
Regarding Promotion to next higher class under Pharm.D Regulations 2008. |
18/04/2012 |
52. |
Grant of study leave to B.Pharm in-service pharmacists for Higher Education to upgrade their knowledge. |
02/03/2012 |
51. |
Grant of study leave to in-service Diploma pharmacist to undergo Pharm.D course. |
02/03/2012 |
50. |
Pharm.D Course - Clarification regarding nomenclature of Pharm.D/Pharm.D (Post Baccalaureate) on pass certificates. |
16/02/2012 |
49. |
Pharm.D Course-Clarification regarding nomenclature of Pharm.D/Pharm.D(Post Baccalaureate) on pass certificates. |
08/02/2012 |
48. |
All India survey on Higher Education to prepare a sound database on Higher Education. |
24/01/2012 |
47. |
Alternative experiment model as per guidelines of CPCSEA. |
19/01/2012 |
46. |
Prepration of Central Register of Pharmacists u/s 15A of Pharmacy Act, 1948. |
28/12/2011 |
45. |
Submission of Affiliation Fee 2012-2013 academic session. |
06/01/2012 |
44. |
Pharm.D an approved qualification for teaching. |
21/11/2011 |
43. |
Clarification on Pharm.D qualification. |
30/09/2011 |
42. |
Durban Declaration during commonwealth Pharmacist'Association. |
31/10/2011 |
41. |
Regarding undertaking on duly attested affidavit from institutions. |
30/09/2011 |
40. |
Guideline for issue of Good Standing Certificates to Pharmacy Graduates by State Pharmacy Council. |
22/09/2011 |
39. |
All India survey on Higher Education to prepare a sound database on Higher Education. |
27/09/2011 |
38. |
Updation of the database for Anti-Ragging web portal. |
22/09/2011 |
37. |
Posting of data of Principals of Pharmacy institutions in Public Domain |
28/07/2011 |
36. |
Guidelines for pharmacy practice for hospital & community pharmacists. |
09/06/2011 |
35. |
Information regarding students. |
09/06/2011 |
34. |
Institutions to fill in data for survey on Higher Education-HRD Ministry |
09/06/2011 |
33. |
The course curriculum of D. Pharm / B. Pharm / Pharm.D. |
10/05/2011 |
32. |
Inclusion of Pharmacotherapeutics I & II in IVth year for Pharm.D. (PostBaccalaureate)students. |
05/05/2011 |
31. |
Book "Drug Information about commonly used drugs" for Library of Pharmacy Institutions. |
19/04/2011 |
30. |
UGC Regulations on curbing the menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions, 2009. |
11/04/2011 |
29. |
Regarding undertaking on duly attested affidavit from institutions for considering approval U/s 12 of the Pharmacy Act. |
06/04/2011 |
28. |
Submission Of Affiliation Fee |
05/04/2011 |
27. |
Use of Animals by establishments under the Medical Council of India (MCI)- Guidelines regarding. |
17/03/2011 |
26. |
Change in admission qualification and duration of D.Pharm course |
18/02/2011 |
25. |
Registration procedure of Pharm.D. (Doctor of Pharmacy) passed out students. |
17/01/2011 |
24. |
D Pharm Institution approved for conduct of course to apply in SIF for approval u/s 12 |
05/01/2011 |
23. |
B Pharm Institution approved for conduct of course to apply in SIF for approval u/s 12 |
05/01/2011 |
22. |
Principal to communicate with PCI |
05/01/2011 |
21. |
Pharmacy Teaching staff working at more than places not allowed |
05/01/2011 |
20. |
Placing of Council's circular addressed to institutions on Council's website only |
05/01/2011 |
19. |
No Change of hospital without prior approval of PCI |
23/06/2010 |
18. |
Clarification regarding evaluation of Remedial Mathematics/Biology (Ist year subject of Pharm.D) to All Pharm.D Institutions and Universities |
16/06/2010 |
17. |
Clarification regarding evaluation of Remedial Mathematics/Biology (Ist year subject of Pharm.D.) |
05/06/2010 |
16. |
2nd shift for conducting Diploma & Degree (UG & PG) courses in Pharmacy |
10/09/2010 |
15. |
2nd shift for conducting Diploma & Degree (UG & PG) courses in Pharmacy |
21/04/2010 |
14. |
Information regarding B.Pharm course |
16/03/2010 |
13. |
Affl. fee by approved Instt |
06/03/2010 |
12. |
Insp. and Affl. fee by new Instt |
11. |
National Open School Qualification is not approved by PCI |
17/07/2009 |
10. |
Gazette notification of Pharm D Regulations to The Secretary to all the State Govts./U.Ts.(Health & Education) AND All the Examining Authorities (Degree) |
27/06/2008 |
9. |
Gazette notification of Pharm D Regulations to Head of the Institutions imparting approved Degree course AND State Pharmacy Councils |
27/06/2008 |
8. |
National Open School Qualification is not approved by PCI |
13/06/2007 |
7. |
New SIF's for Institutions conducting Diploma course in Pharmacy, Degree course in Pharmacy and both Diploma & Degree course in Pharmacy. |
21/03/2007 |
6. |
Backlog of ER-81 |
13/12/2004 |
5. |
Direct admn. to B.Pharm IInd year |
13/12/2004 |
4. |
Renewal of Registration |
13/05/2004 |
3. |
Compliance of App-C of ER-91 by EA |
2. |
Guidelines for migration/transfer of students |
30/05/2002 |
1. |
Guidelines for migration/transfer of students |
12/06/2001 |